About Us
Words can only tell half the story, the other half comes from our passion for design. You tell us your half of the story and we'll show you ours.

Who are we?

We are those people you see studying… everything. We want to know how things work. We want to know WHY things work. What draws you to a certain image? What does that image say to you? How can we re-create that feeling?

Be the influence, not the influenced.

We want to learn more about your company and create an image that your competitors will envy. We take comfort knowing that you’re proud of the identity we help create. We always look for the positive in each image and help you to see it as well.

Portland is our home.

The Northwest is a beautiful place to call home. Portland is overflowing with creativity and imagery. The identity of the city is very unique with its interesting style. We can help you by designing a unique and easily recognizable brand, much like Portland has.

Do you like coffee?

We sure do! If you’re from the Portland Metro area and would like to discuss a project over a cup o’ joe, we’re game. All you have to do is contact us with your information and we’ll setup the rest.